Originally the Inn was a wedding gift to Georgianna Hull and Charles Tibbits from her parents Gurdon W. Hull and Elizabeth Simpson Hull. Upon its completion it was know as
Over the past century and a quarter this Queen Anne Victorian stood watch over the town of Wallingford as more building sprung up. The dirt roads became asphalt, horse and carriage gave way to cars. Fashions flickered by in the blink of an eye. Still it stood, rasing on the corner, this enduring landmark in the cycle of change. It thrived in good times, endured the bad times. It has changed hands and purpose , yet still stands proud.

Once the site of quaint cottage sheltered by grape arbors the property was purchased in 1890 and razed to make way for a Grand Queen Anne Victorian. Designed by the firm of Allen and Tyler Architectural Associates of New Haven and constructed by C.F. Wooding Company of Wallingford, a name that connotes to this day excellence in craftsmanship, constructed at a time when execution of detail and ornamentation was a hand crafted trade.
This grand Victorian is comprised of one dramatic hallmark of the period after another, complex patterned masonry chimneys, finials capping hipped slate roofs, multi patterned textures of shingles and clapboard, intricate relief work and small latticed porches just to name a few. |